Specialty Hair
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Maintaining your extensions & weave especially single individual braided hair made from a modacrylic like polyester fiber nylons mix with other animal hairs like alpaca, wool,
horse, goat, to mention a few which are combine. It is never good idea to color & install Micro fusion on the same day, wait 48 hrs for hair to recover from chemicals. Florida
weather humidity can destroy even the best of styles, Use a clarifing shampoo for hair that is heavily soiled from sweating which cleans without striping the hair or a no sulfate shampoo
when shampooing regularly. Lace wigs are only meant for short term use which can cause sweaty scalp, bacteria buildup & poor air circulation causing thinner
regrowth, It may be necessary to trim back your hair which strengthens while creating fullness to achieve stronger teases, using a high grade human hair may reduces stress
eliminating breakage followed by a deep continuous moisturizing treatment or a pre- thermal hair sealant to prevent breakage from flat ironing & free radicals promoting stronger
healthier manes. Micro fusions takes up to 175-350 micro beading for complete application in most case's. It is very important for a consultation to check for possible problem
area's, thickness & color match. Weaves sew-in's should last for-2 months if applied properly avoiding jumping tracks depending on life style.
All images are produce & own by Topweaves